Non-Dairy Milk Guide, which one to choose?
The range and choice of non-dairy milks has evolved over the last few years to this huge range that we have today. If you haven't tried milk alternatives before it can be a little overwhelming. That's why we're here to help!
We've put together this handy guide to tell you what each milk is like and how it's best used.
1.Oat Milk
Oat milk is the most popular milk at Easter Greens with several brands and types on offer. It has the best of everything - fat, fibre and protein which gives it a really lovely texture.
Oat milk comes in a lot of different ways, most famously is Oatly Barista which you will see a lot in coffee shops. With added fats it is closer to a whole milk so suited well to frothing for all your milk based coffee drinks or as a creamy addition to soups for added richness. It goes well with anything really.
2. Soy Milk
If oat isn't your thing, soy milk is a great place to start your non-dairy journey. It's mild taste and creamy texture is close to semi-skimmed milk so great for tea and coffee, cereal and as a milk replacement in cooking.
The taste is a little nutty and slightly sweet depending on the brand and if it has added sugar so using it in baking or recipes means that it won't overwhelm the dish with any string flavour changes.
3. Almond Milk
Almond milk is another familiar non-dairy milk that pops up on coffee shop menus. It's high in vitamins and other nutrients but is low in protein which means it's not going to be as thick and creamy as soy or oat unless you choose a barista brand which will have added fats to give it that velvety texture.
Almond milk is naturally slightly sweet and of course nutty. For this reason it's suited to coffee or hot chocolate for a bit of extra flavour or as an addition to smoothies and deserts but not so much for savoury cooking.
4. Cashew Milk
Cashews are used a lot on vegan cooking to add a creamy texture and that is exactly what cashew milk is - creamy!
Cashews don't have a strong taste so it's a mild but very creamy milk which is suited well to drinking straight from the bottle, adding to coffee or pouring over cereal. It can be used in cooking and baking as a shortcut to anywhere you would be soaking and blending your own cashews.
5. Coconut Milk
Coconut milk comes in a lot of different ways. Thick and creamy from a can or a thinner but also delicious milk alternative in a carton - this is the one we'll be talking about today.
Coconut milk is flavoursome, its low in protein but higher in fat which gives it a rich texture which is delicious straight from the carton, adding to coffee or smoothies or pouring over cereal. The coconut flavour is very versatile which means it can work well in both savoury and sweet cooking and baking.
6. Rice Milk
Rice milk is the thinnest non-dairy milk and also naturally the sweetest.
It's light, sweet flavor isn't the most popular option for tea or coffee but it is suited best to baking and desserts as its delicate texture keeps things light. The sweet taste however makes it difficult to use in savoury dishes.
You'll find rice milk mixes such as Provamel's Coconut and Rice drink which will give you balance between the light sweet flavour of rice and the fatty creamy taste of coconut.
7. Hemp Milk
Hemp milk has more protein than other non-dairy milks other than soy milk. One cup has 3 grams of fat, 5 grams of protein and an entire day’s recommended intake of omega-3 fats. Hemp milk is thick and creamy. It has a strong taste that may be better suited to savory dishes though its protein content makes it a good alternative to soy milk for baking.
Find your favourite milk alternative this Veganuary with 20% off all Rude Health milks in store and online. Let us know which one if your favourite!